The Best Date Night Spots in Napa Valley

  • Food
  • on JANUARY 12, 2016
  • 12608
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For a first date, something lively might be in order. 对于第五次约会来说,一点烛光下的亲密听起来很合适. For a fifth anniversary? An old standard with sentimental value. Whatever the romantic occasion, ag体育正规拥有各种各样的餐馆,以其舒适的美学而闻名, stellar food, and of course, world-class wines. 这里有一个简短的清单,列出了一些你心目中最喜欢的约会之夜.

Wine Country-Luxe

Image Source: FARM

FARM Restaurant + Bar
4048 Sonoma Hwy
Napa, CA 94559
(707) 299-4880
TripAdvisor: 4.5 stars, 267 reviews
Reservations: Highly recommended

Located inside The Carneros Resort & Spa, FARM是一家高档的美国农场到餐桌的餐馆,提供超当地的票价,令人兴奋, 以配对为中心的“晚餐品尝”模式——一种对传统固定餐的新颖诠释. 一个创新的鸡尾酒菜单和一个广泛的酒单,其中包括一些该地区最好的品种,在这个季节灵感的产品, breezy venue. 在餐厅的大教堂天花板下预订一张私密的桌子, 或者把你的饮料和开胃菜带到室外的露天休息室,品尝同样清新的夜晚空气. Insider tip: 在你预定的时间之前到达,喝杯酒,在地滚球场上进行一些友好的比赛.

Relaxed Italian Fare

Image Source: Ciccio

6770 Washington St
AG体育平台, CA 94599
(707) 945-1000
TripAdvisor: 4.5 stars, 142 reviews

Ciccio opened with a bang in fall of 2012, and since then, 这家由市场改建的餐厅在ag体育正规的必尝名单上赢得了一席之地. Needless to say, 在这家不接受预约的意大利餐厅里,时间至关重要, but the best things in life, as they say, are worth waiting for. In this case, savory pizzas and sumptuous, sultry pastas in a relaxing, 这是一个由普通商店改建而成的地方,在这里,只要喝上一瓶ag体育正规(Napa Valley)烈性红酒,谈话就可以持续多久. Insider tip: If there’s a wait, snag a cocktail from the dedicated Negroni Bar Menu, 它的特色是经典意大利鸡尾酒的七种变体.

French Cuisine Without the Fuss

Image Source: Yelp and La Toque

La Toque
1314 McKinstry St
Napa, CA 94559
(707) 257-5157
TripAdvisor: 4 stars, 336 reviews
Reservations: Required

被亲切地称为当地人的法国洗衣店, 拉托克提供经典准备的法国菜在现代, wood-lined setting, inside downtown Napa’s Westin Verasa hotel. A Napa Valley maestro, 厨师肯弗兰克从一个菜单,每天演变:品尝菜单提供了一个亲密的, sharable tour of Frank’s creative mind, 还有点单,一眨眼你就会错过它们的杰作, 像干陈鸭胸配水煮梨和红酒,刺激感官. Pairings aside, 你可以自由地合作酿造一瓶理想的葡萄酒——了解一个人最好的方法就是看他对葡萄酒的品味(至少他们是这么说的)。, and there isn’t a dud on the wine list. Insider tip: Arrive early for a belt at the innovative Bank Bar, 就鸡尾酒项目而言,这里是ag体育正规最保守的秘密之一.

The Comeback Kid

Image Source: Yelp

Carpe Diem Wine Bar
1001 2nd St
Napa, CA 94559
(707) 224-0800
TripAdvisor: 4.5 stars, 430 reviews

Lovingly restored following earthquake damage, Carpe Diem葡萄酒酒吧拥有一个工作人员的热情,因为他们的常规客户的气氛,是在一次复杂而随意, innovative yet approachable. 厨师肯德尔(Kendall)和马丁(Martin)携手合作,提供了一份一口就能吃完的菜单(选择轮流提供的美味墨西哥卷饼),数量足够多,足以达到酒单所设定的预期,同时又很丰富, 这两种行为都不要进入舒适的范围——最好是让自己忘乎所以, one bite and one sip at a time. Insider tip: 在这里,奶酪的选择很重要:布拉塔干酪或嘎嘎奶酪很难出错.

French Bistro Classics

Image Source: Bistro Jeanty

Bistro Jeanty
6510 Washington St
AG体育平台, CA 94599
(707) 944-0103
TripAdvisor: 4.5 stars, 1,416 reviews
Reservations: Highly recommended

一家法国小酒馆似乎是从巴黎安静的小街上搬来的, it’s hard to imagine a establishment that carries, as quintessentially, an I-saw-it-in-the-movies-once air as Bistro Jeanty. Cozy and elegant to a beautiful fault, 酒焖鸡和牛排薯条等当地经典菜肴也为餐厅的气氛增色不少, seasoned and cooked to understated perfection. 这笔钱毫不费力地创造了一个特别的地方——一个小小的隐蔽的地方,周年纪念随着岁月的流逝而来来去去. Insider tip: 西红柿汤,在一层薄酥皮下面,吃起来既美味又有趣.

Incredible Food to Match the Views

Image Source: Yelp

Auberge du Soleil Bar
180 Rutherford Hill Rd
Rutherford, CA 94573
(707) 963-1211
TripAdvisor: 4.5 stars, 686 reviews
Reservations: Not needed

Perched atop a tranquil hillside in Napa Valley, 这家米其林星级餐厅提供全景纳帕-一个风景如画的设置令人难忘, utterly romantic meal. 餐厅的酒吧也在兜售同样的魔力,那里的环绕甲板可以看到西方的景色. 很明显,在日落时分找个座位欣赏壮丽的景色. Insider tip: Opt for a glass of the proprietary sparkling wine, 太阳茄子私人珍藏非年份型威士忌. It’s unique, it’s refreshing.

A Hidden Gem

Image Source: Yelp

1345 Railroad Ave
St Helena, CA 94574
(707) 963-8931
TripAdvisor: 4.5 stars, 180 reviews
Reservations: Required

泰拉由合伙人希罗·索内和丽莎·杜玛尼所有, 他们在烹饪和糕点界拥有超过60年的最高经验. The restaurant turns out refreshing, unique dishes in continental style with the slightest homage to Japanese cuisine; they’re matched by equally fine desserts (the black pepper panna cotta in particular is worth saving room for). 在当地和旧金山的烹饪界都很有名, 对于大多数来ag体育正规的游客来说,泰拉岛仍然是一个神秘莫测的地方, so now’s the time to give it a whirl. Insider tip: Go “Terra-lite” by visiting Bar Terra instead. 这是一个更休闲的产品,仍然提供最好的厨房.

Havanna Vibes

Image Source: Yelp

Sam’s Social Club
1712 Lincoln Ave
Calistoga, CA 94515
(707) 942-4913
TripAdvisor: 4 stars, 83 reviews

山姆社交俱乐部最近在装修华丽的印第安泉度假村开业 & Spa in Calistoga. 穿过前门,游客就进入了一个现代主义版本的20世纪40年代哈瓦那, with potted palms, eclectic artwork, and cane furniture filling the sunlit main room. All the while, 室外露台感觉远离街道的喧嚣, 唤起了旧古巴的浪漫魅力和破败的神秘感. 从酒吧点一杯鸡尾酒,在一个美妙的音符上开始你的夜晚. Insider tip: Try the Aqua Caliente, a zingy blend of house-infused habanero vodka, passion fruit puree, and demerara sugar.

Fresh ingredients, stellar wine lists, exceptional service, and panoramic views are the norm in Napa Valley, 让它成为一个难忘的地方,与特别的人分享. 在这个世界的角落里,你有最喜欢的浪漫地点吗?


WineCountry Collective

wineccountry是由一个专注而充满激情的葡萄酒,美食和旅游爱好者团队组成的. 我们孜孜不倦地探索远近地区,以策划最好的想法和资源. Whether you're musing over your next wine escapade, planning a romantic weekend away, embracing the Wine Country lifestyle at home, or are simply looking to be entertained for a moment, trust us to be your comprehensive guide.